no, I actually love it. I love the world's most iconic beer... good thing I'm studying abroad in the hometown of it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Dope Irish Things - The Music
During my time here, I do actually study believe it or not. I go to classes, directly enrolled, like any other Irish student here in Dublin. One of my Irish-culture based classes is Studies in Irish Music. The way the professor teaches isn't exactly how I pictured, but I am getting more exposed to Irish music as opposed to just the traditional reels, jigs, hornpipes that I had grown up with while Irish step dancing. I think that by the time I leave here, I'll know the words to many pub tunes - everyone get ready to start singing when we get back home!!
Anyway, one of my favorite things to do while spending my time here in Dublin is going to various pubs listening to traditional musicians play. It's a completely different atmosphere to be in a pub listening to Irish music as opposed to J305 in a classroom on the big screen watching YouTube clips. Yeah, that's how my teacher "teaches" us about Irish music. I'll vent about that in person, though, rather than in a blog.
Irish music has been a part of my iTunes library for as long as I've had an account, but I had never listened to it live (when I wasn't competing at a feis.. erm, Irish step dancing competition). My parents were here this past week and luckily enough for them, they were staying at a hotel right off of Dame Street right in Temple Bar. The bar that was attached to their hotel had live Irish music every night. Now, I've been to plenty of pubs, but I had never been to this particular one.. I had passed by it so many times, but never thought of going in. Now it is quickly becoming a personal favorite of mine! The music is wonderful and the prices for drinks aren't even half that bad!
Anyway, one of my favorite things to do while spending my time here in Dublin is going to various pubs listening to traditional musicians play. It's a completely different atmosphere to be in a pub listening to Irish music as opposed to J305 in a classroom on the big screen watching YouTube clips. Yeah, that's how my teacher "teaches" us about Irish music. I'll vent about that in person, though, rather than in a blog.
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blast from the past.. see? I'm not lying when I say Irish music is a part of me! |
musicians from another night! |
Here is a clip of one of the musicians playing. They're playing Galway Girl, which is featured in P.S. I Love You and is essentially played every time that I go see a session at a pub. It's well known (obviously), but ironically enough it was written by an American from Texas who had experienced a one night stand. Weird, huh?
Dope Irish Events - Hurling/Gaelic Football Match
This past Saturday I had the opportunity to go to Croke Park Stadium in Dublin for both hurling and gaelic football games. Croke Park is the official stadium for the GAA (Gaelic Athletic Association) and it seats about 90,000 people. YEAH, that's a lot of people and the place is HUGE. We didn't know exactly which stop to get off at when we were on the bus, but realized that once we saw the huge stadium looming out behind some residential apartments that we found the right place. We found it.
We researched before we got there that Dublin's colors were sky blue and navy blue, therefore we tried coordinating our outfits as much as possible trying to show off our Dublin pride! I only own a navy blue sweater and nothing sky blue, but I tried my best! Luckily enough, when we got there, Vodafone (I believe) was giving out free Dublin supporter flags and huge paper hands. I kept the flag because I've grown to really like flags (it's like my father's habits and interests are finally rubbing off on me) but some little kid stole my hand from me. I obviously didn't have the heart to fix her mistake and take the hand back. That would have been cruel. But at least Caitlan and I got pictures with them in the stadium before we didn't have them anymore!
The games we saw were hurling (Dublin vs. Tipperary) and gaelic football (Dublin vs. Donegal).
What we probably should have researched was exactly how the games were played. Our friend Chris roughly told Rachel how his personal favorite is played (hurling), but we still spent the majority of the game trying to figure out exactly how to play because it's something completely foreign to us. By the end, we saw the similarities between hurling and gaelic football and were actively cheering on the Dublin team! Both sports have hardly any padding at all to protect the players and it is common in hurling to beat the other team's players with their sticks in order to get the ball back in your team's possession. The first game actually ended on a tie.. who knew that could happen? Usually everything ends with one winner, not two. But when I asked my dad, he guaranteed that the players went in the locker room to properly settle it out (by fighting amongst themselves, of course). That's what he thought at least.
We had the lovely opportunity to be sitting essentially in the first row. The team warmed up and stretched right in front of us. What a show it was for us!
Personal favorite, maybe? |
After being mesmerized by how in shape these players were, we realized something. There was no net or anything protecting us in case the softball sized ball came hurling towards us. Fortunately for us, we weren't located right behind the goal (where it was allowed to make a point over the net worth 1 point) and also fortunate for us, the hurling players were really good at catching the balls. It's like they do it professionally or something. Either way, we made it out of the stadium unharmed!
Above are some of the players of hurling in action. I believe one of them is rolling around on the floor after being hit by some of the sticks. At least hurling has helmets involved. Gaelic football was a mixture of basketball, volleyball, soccer, football with no protective padding at all. All in all, since we didn't really understand what we were watching and basically only rooted for Dublin when the other avid fans were cheering, it's difficult for me to actually describe how the games are played. The overall feeling and emotion of everyone around us is what we enjoyed the most!
Go Dublin! |
Our friend Emma had told us about this event that she went to last spring semester when she was studying abroad and mentioned the possibility of a halftime show. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that we'd see an instrumental group as big as the Dubliners, but guess who we saw? THE DUBLINERS. This years marks their 50th anniversary of originally forming the group. They didn't have a very long halftime show since the hurling match went a little bit overtime, but they still played some crowd favorites including "Whiskey in the Jar" and "Molly Malone". All of them were there, alive and kicking, playing all the instruments they've been playing for most of their lives. They were located on the other side of the field, but we got to see them on the big screens and as little people across the field.
After spending the day outside watching all of these games, we decided to eat at Eddie Rocket's (Yes, Eddie's not Johnny's like in the states) and spend the night relaxing at a couple of pubs with some live Irish music. I have a video from the Merchant's Arch that I took.. Not sure how great the quality will come out to be, but I was trying to capture the general atmosphere so that people back at home can truly feel what the pub atmosphere is like here.
St Paddy's Day - Dope Irish Events
W.B. Yeats said it right! That up there is basically the theme for St Paddy's Day here in Dublin. Honestly, it was one of the craziest, but yet awesome experiences of my life. I got to spend Paddy's day with my new Irish friends, my new American friends studying abroad with me AND Abby came in from Edinburgh to celebrate Paddy's day right!! All in all, it was an absolutely amazing weekend. Tiring, very tiring BUT yet super amazing!
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Abby and I at the parade. |
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corrupting abby with her first taste of Guinness. |
Abby, James and I by my favorite part: THE WATERFALL. |
Not going to lie, we all got a little bit of stage fright when we were pouring our pints, but the lovely people at the Storehouse were nice and gave everyone little certificates saying that we have successfully poured our own perfect pints of Guinness. But I gotta say, mine actually was pretty perfect. Not to brag or anything, but even the lady teaching us how to pour pints was impressed by how well I got it. The head of the pint was absolutely perfect. I was so impressed with myself! I guess living in Ireland for so long and watching all of those bartenders pour the Guinness taught me a thing or two! Next step: getting a bartending job in the States. Best job ever or what?
just closing off Dame Street/College Green, no big deal. |

On the right: A rhino on a wheel chair. Please try to tell me how in the hell that is Irish or representing Paddy's day at all. The only thing really Irish and stereotypical Paddy's day are the hats/bows you see audience members wearing.
Needless to say, the entire weekend was definitely an experience to be had! Just seeing everyone dressed in green, white and orange jumping all around the streets of Dublin was a sight to see. I myself bought myself an Irish flag and spent the whole day running around the city doing heel clicks and just loving life essentially. The whole day I just had the phrase "Meanwhile in Ireland" stuck in my head.. the whole day was essentially the complete stereotype that I had dreamed about before coming here. Glad I got to experience it!
just frolicking through Dublin like a leprechaun. |
my amazing flag that I'm obsessed with. |
St. Patrick's Day in Dublin is filled with a bunch of festivals, parades, events all over town. What I definitely wanted to do was go to Merrion Square for the fair that was going on there. Granted, it wasn't a huge fair but what we did see was the Giant Wheel. This wheel was essentially a ferris wheel but so much taller than I ever thought would be possible. Actually, looking back on it, the wheel reminded me of the Ferris Wheel in Six Flags Great Adventure.
Unfortunately, Abby is not one to go on rides that are only temporarily fixated on the ground, instead of being grounded in it. So Grace and I went up to the top to get one of the best views of Dublin I could have imagined. It was absolutely breathtaking to look out over the city. I could almost spot UCD, but once I looked down (hence the picture below), I spent more time freaking out that we were so high up in the air. Didn't help that the Wheel went backwards and forwards.. still not sure if it was our own fault or the ride's fault. We were freaking out a bit and definitely moving the carriage back and forth a little bit. But again.. nothing a little bit of whiskey can't fix!
so incredibly high above the ground. People look like ants! |
The following activities included walking around Dublin showing Abby all of the important sites. Including a Boots Pharmacy. That was not only necessary to shower her (because Edinburgh has one as well; similarities) but also because we needed to pick up some essentials: my hairbrush which I stupidly forgot in Latvia. We picked up our important items, but Grace and I also did a little dance in the middle of Boots. We really tried keeping straight faces on, but we obviously just aren't allowed to look at each other because inevitably we will laugh. DAMNIT.
Over all, being in Dublin for Paddy's Day is nowhere near what I expected but at the same time fulfilled all of my preconceived notions of how the day would pan out. It was absolutely amazing to be an official tourist for at least this weekend and not feel bad about it - because EVERYONE was a tourist. It was amazing to be able to pull out my camera and not be judged at all (something that I'm consistently worried about because just having an American accent is something I'm judged for here).
Wearing green, white and orange with a flag around my shoulders proved to be the best experience I've had here in Dublin so far. By far my favorite time of the year for sure! Hopefully next year's Paddy's Day will be just as eventful as this years!
Friday, March 23, 2012
LATVIA! - being a tourist yo.
I hadn't visited my family or friends in Latvia for about 5-7 years (the exact year can be debated, but with the photographic evidence we found, it is only 5). Therefore, I would hope that no one would judge me when I say I definitely had some tears rolling from my eyes once we landed in Riga. It might have had to do with the sleep deprivation from the night before or just my happy emotions (I just have a lot of feelings ok...)
Just being in the country with which I have dual citizenship and spent so much of my childhood in was absolutely breathtaking. At this point I haven't even gone out of the gates to see my dad (who I haven't seen since January) and our two family friends, Loreta and Valdis who were all waiting for us. Also, when I was flying over Latvia, I was looking down and I saw something white on the ground that I didn't seem to recognize. What is this white substance you ask? Snow. I haven't seen snow in ages. There wasn't any snow in DC or NY when I left and there's bit a tad bit too much rain and "plus" weather in terms of Celsius for there to be snow in Ireland. Not surprisingly, I forgot that this stuff even existed. I was not at all prepared considering I was rolling up in my thin corduroy pants (that eventually ripped, RIP) and my little wedges that I had worn the previous night whilst clubbing.
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no, it wasn't actually this snowy, but probably just as cold. |
First stop we made: the supermarket. Thank god that we did because when we got home all we had was Latvian beer and hot dog links. Basically, my dad's perfect meal and what he says he'll eat all the time upon moving to Latvia.
First day adventures included going to the airport (again) to pick up my mom and eventually calming her down when she saw how dusty and dirty the apartment was. To reward ourselves after cleaning, we went out to eat and I still had pizza on Friday - go pizza Friday even in different countries!!

The adventure didn't end there. After going home to take little power naps, Rudolf took me to a Skybar on top of the Radisson hotel. This bar overlooked old Riga with a view of the Freedom Statue. The view outside was absolutely amazing and the drunk people watching? even better.
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absolutely beautiful. |
yep, my spring break in a nut shell: this girl. |
On a lighter note, I also had amazing times catching up with family. They were all interested in what I am currently studying, my life and where I will be going this semester as part of my travels. We spent many days just sitting in my living room (I am blessed to have an apartment in Latvia that is actually my second home) talking and eating non-stop. Much coffee was drank and many biscuits and sandwiches were eaten. I absolutely love food from Latvia. If I could have, I would have brought only food back to Ireland and forgotten all about the clothes. Too bad there's that thing called security.
Me, my mom, cousin and Godmother. One of my favorite pictures. |
I love my quirky family. |
My final night consisted of going to a viola recital at the Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Music Academy. I saw many of the current students at the musical high school and conservatory perform - I got many ideas as to which pieces I would like to pursue and play for my senior recital! Additionally, it was a great experience to see the level of performance from many players my own age considering I am toying around with the idea of coming to Europe for my masters degree. Not only did I see the recital, but I also saw a portrait of the woman after whom I was named - Annija Vītole. She was the wife of the man the academy is named after as well as my dad's first private instructor in Long Beach, NY. In the portrait below, she is right above me with long, blonde hair and a plant in her hand. My dad says she didn't really look like this but I'd like to think that I look at least a bit similar to her.
I finished off the night at our family friend's house for dinner until almost half 12 at night! My parents were so happy to be relaxing and not worrying about anything that time just kept running ahead of ourselves. Eventually we got back home, I slept and the next day I spent packing my bag to go back to Dublin for St. Patrick's Day!!!
So.. whoever thought that letting Zareef and I wander about Madrid alone, they didn't really think too well. We ended up meandering, getting lost, going in the wrong direction for a while until we remembered about this amazing market that Claire had brought us to the previous night: Mercado de San Miguel. Of course, I know the name now because I got a picture of it, but then, we didn't know what it was called or really where it was located (aside from it being near Plaza Mayor). With our limited Spanish skills (me knowing more than Zareef by a mile), it proved to be quite difficult to find. But after consulting the map quite a bit (we didn't have to ask Dora who was walking around Plaza del Sol, thankfully), we found it!
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cartoon olives. |
REAL LIFE olives. soo good. |

Now to list some favorite from this trip:
1. Favorite tourist activity:
Going to the top of Centro near the Banco de Espana (too lazy to get the proper character for the n). We got an absolutely amazing view over central Madrid. What was even better was that I got to see one of my good friends from UCD who happened to be in Madrid at the same time! I was so happy to see a familiar face from Ireland and it was even better on the top of our "world" at the moment- aka Madrid, as opposed to the Spire or the bird poop on O'Connell's head.
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look, see! there we are! |
our 3 glasses of sangria before we finished every last drop, including chewing the ice cubes. |
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Zareef and I in front of one of the fountains in Puerta de Sol |
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Claire con chocolate y churros!! |
I honestly could ramble on and on about how much I loved being in Madrid and blah blah blah, but for full details, I think the best would be to just consult me when I get back to the states. Then I will ramble about how much I loved Madrid to you straight in person, which might be better because I'm not the best writer at all. Also, you will be my full emotional excitement about it which is pretty accurate of my personality. I also probably won't stop smiling.
I'll finish off with a few pictures from my all nighter the night before my flight to Riga to see my family. We went around Sol looking for promoters to give us free fruity shots and entrance into the various clubs/bars around the area. This is how we decided on where to stay. We ended up staying at a bar blasting club music and thoroughly enjoying the night. We managed to stay up all night and I made it to the airport in one piece!
Claire and I - such a great picture! |
accurate depiction of the night. |
I had time to take one final picture in front of my favorite building in Madrid before leaving at night! It's absolutely beautiful even at night. Until next time, Madrid!! I'll miss you oh so much!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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a light bit of entertainment. |
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look he's a real person too! |
The whole reason I went to Madrid, as opposed to any other city this spring break was to visit my best friend, Claire, who happens to be studying in one of my now favorite cities of Europe. I hadn't seen her since December and while I had promised to visit her in Buffalo, NY over the winter break, that didn't quite pan out due to time constraints. Needless to say, this trip to Madrid is something I did not want to miss. I planned it perfectly, in my opinion, to be during spring break so that I could spend more than a little weekend with Claire in this wonderful city I've only heard good things about.
this is where we were. Beautiful by the lake in Retiro Park. |
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this is what we ate. DELICIOUS. |
this is the ceiling. |
The following nights I got to spend in Claire's homestay. Coincidentally, last summer, Marley, another one of our Mu Beta Psi Brothers, stayed with Lola so I already felt like I knew Lola without every having met her. I'm so happy I got to stay in a real life house (as opposed to dorm, hostel or apartment) in Madrid because I really felt as if I were at home. The stories describing Lola I found to be completely true - she was just like a mom but still realized that we're young students and exploring a new city from what we already know.
little dolls in traditional Spanish folk costumes! - Flamenco dancers! Ay ay ayyy! |
taken in Retiro Park next to some musicians. |
the three muskateers outside el palacio royal (royal palace) |
a beautiful reflection of us in Plaza Del Sol |
next post.. all about the food and drinks and entertainment!! LOOK! I even found Guinness in MADRID!!!
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